İŞKUR Çarşamba Hizmet Merkezi Müdürlüğü, TÜRKIYE

Web: https://samsun.iskur.gov.tr
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Çarşamba Directorate of Labor and Turkish Employment Agency is a public institution which was established on 31.01.2019 and is affiliated with Samsun Provincial Directorate of Labor and Employment Agency and carries out all activities through cooperation with agencies in other districts of Samsun.
It provides on-the-job training programs, entrepreneurship training programs, vocational counselling and projects within the scope of active labor services to enable the unemployed living in the local area to gain new skills and competences to be involved in the labour market and meet demands of the employers that lead to decrease unemployment rates in the local area, in the long-term process. The services provided by Çarşamba Directorate of Labor and Turkish Employment Agency make contribution to controlling the effects of digital transformation in the local market, creating innovative job opportunities aimed at the unemployed in the local area, which is of great importance not only for individuals but also for public welfare. Moreover they offer the programs which are implemented to help unemployed people registered to agency to establish their own businesses. Moreover, Çarşamba Directorate of Labor and Turkish Employment Agency makes contribution to Turkey Business Council's future by applying active labor market programs for the profession, on the other supporting business and professional consulting services to orientation people to the labour market.
In institution which employs around 3,500 people each year, over 1500 people are involved in On-the-Job Training Programs and around 500 receive various vocational training programs to participate in the labor market. The institution operates in district with a population of 280,000 with a special importance to the employment of young people. In regards to inclusion of NEET (young people not in education, employment or training) is 9th place from 185 units located in Turkey. The institution holds organisation methodology to analyse needs and obstacles in the labour market and develop solutions needs and obstacles through various projects on the topic of employment with local partners and external stakeholders.
University Politechnica of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Web: https://upb.ro/
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Founded in 1886, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB) is the largest and the oldest technical university in the country and among the most prestigious universities in Romania. University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest is formed by 15 faculties that provide BA, MA, PhD study programmes in computer science, entrepreneurship, business engineering and management, telecommunications and information technology, biotechnical systems, management of technological systems, applied chemistry and material science.
Also UPB is a full member in several academic organisations, the main ones being Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER), International Association of Universities (IAU), European University Association (EUA), Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) etc.
UPB participates in hundreds EUROPEAN programs such as LIFELONG LEARNING (ERASMUS or LEONARDO) based on the approved ERASMUS University Charter 2007 – 2013. One of the objectives of the UPB is to create knowledge through research and technological innovation, as well as through its implementation by means of education and professional training at a European level.
Since 2001 UPB has used e-learning platform to provide efficient support to the education process, contributing significantly to the education and knowledge and skill acquiring process.
Based on the students’ needs, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest has founded the Career Guidance and Counseling Center, in 1997. The main activities of the center are focused on development of the students’ transversal skills necessary for the transition to labor market and for their professional integration. The researchers of the centre have extensive working experience in adaptation of ICT tools in order to meet the specific needs of career guidance students and development of training pathways for student based on cooperative learning approaches. The scientific research in University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest - UPB is traditionally one of the most important components of its activities, offering national and international visibility and professional recognition. In connection with the modern concepts of “knowledge society” and “knowledge economy”, UPB defined certain strategic orientations of the scientific research, derived from the competencies of our human resources and replied to our research infrastructure, available in our research centres, departments and laboratories.
UPB has extensive working experience in teaching and research activities that contribute to the development of students’ transversal skills necessary for the transition to labor market and for their professional integration.
UPB partner supports the ones that are seeking for a job offering postgraduate courses, vocational training, continuing education and distance learning courses accredited by the Department of Continuing Education and Distance Learning of the UPB.
Ballymun Job Centre Co-operative Society Limited, IRELAND

Web: https://bmunjob.ie
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Ballymun Job Centre Co-op Society Limited (BJC) is a community-based non-profit charity, which provides employment services to local job seekers. The BJC was established in 1987 by the local community. It is governed by a Board of Management. The overall objective of the BJC is to provide individuals with greater labour market choice and the opportunity to improve their employability, increase their earnings and reduce their vulnerability to poverty. The BJC works to reduce the level of poverty by providing unemployed individuals with access to career guidance, education, and training which leads to job placement and thus to quality employment and increased income and job security.
The BJC has 30 staff with a wide range of skills. The staff includes qualified career guidance practitioners, occupational psychologists, and reception, administration, and employer links workers. The BJC believes in remaining innovative and to test new ideas to address identified issues arising from the day-to-day experience of clients.
Since the mid-90s the BJC has accessed and managed various European Union and private trusts funded programmes. Over the years the BJC has made determined efforts to ensure the lessons and work of the EU Projects improved the delivery of services and the way it works with clients and many of the innovative actions and activities that the BJC has developed have impacted positively not only on individuals living in Ballymun but also individuals in other disadvantaged communities.
The BJC holds an external approved quality mark called Q Mark, is registered with the Charity Regulator and has a strong Governance structure. Since opening, over 20,000 individuals have registered with the BJC and our services have supported over 6,000 individuals to access jobs over 10,000 jobs. Over 5,700 individuals have participated in training run by the BJC. The BJC has developed relationships with over 500 employers in the greater Dublin area. Working in collaboration with others it has developed and managed many different programmes and activities including mainstream labour market programmes, innovative career guidance programmes and client focused training most specifically for individuals living in the local area.
Hafelekar Unternehmungsberatung Schober GmbH, AUSTRIA

Web: https://www.hafelekar.at
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Hafelekar (HAF) was founded in 2001. Hafelekar combines expertise in managerial, social and educational sciences. Customers are business companies, non-profit organisations as well as clients in the public sector. Hafelekar is mainly engaged in the following lines of business: Consulting, Research, Studies, Surveys, Evaluation, Validation of informal and non-formal learning, Development of (ICT) training models, Curricula design, Analysis of training needs, Vocational orientation, Career guidance, Process Management, EU-funded projects. A close cooperation exists with the University of Innsbruck (Department for Knowledge Organisation) in the area of qualitative social research. Hafelekar also cooperates with other Applied Universities in Austria. Furthermore Hafelekar is integrated in a dense network of VET and related institution and bodies. Hafelekar is very experienced in digital media production, distance and blended learning solutions, as we have high-level pedagogical experience and we cooperated in various projects developing different E-learning systems. Hafelekar has a very flexible organisation with a core team of 4 employees (project managers), together with part time back office administratives and around 10 to 15 freelancer working on different projects. Within our group we train around 100 executives and around 50 vocational trainers a year; in cooperation with applied Universities in Austria we train another 100 students.
Mozaik İnsan Kaynakları Geliştirme Derneği, TÜRKIYE

Web: https://www.mozaik.org.tr
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mozaik is a non-profit that was established in 2010 in Samsun located in northern part of Türkiye. Its establishment objectives are to enable disadvantaged groups living in the local area to integrate into cultural, professional and social fields and to promote relation between the disadvantaged groups including women, old people, disabled people, migrant and refugees and other groups from local and regional parts. The target group that is involved in our activities (local, regional and international initiatives/projects) consist of the ones who have no model to be able to recognize vocational and educational opportunities and need orientation to be successful in the educational and professional life eliminating barriers in different fields that prevent their integration into the society. The aim of our organization is to develop new innovative resources with/for that enable the target group we have been working to enhance their competences and skills for better professional educational and professional opportunities. Within this scope of this aim, we offer different courses, trainings and consultancies considering needs and expectation of young people who need specific orientation and assistance.
Moreover, Mozaik has also become accredited in ESC as sending, hosting and coordinator organization in 2011 and we are a Eurodesk Türkiye Contact point for 1 year. As a Eurodesk Contact point, we offer some services in order to provide information on European opportunities in the fields of education and youth for young people and their participation in European activities, these services consist of organizing trainings and support services, organizing conferences, seminars and other activities, printing and distribution of sources and dissemination of information on the Youth in Action Program.
Mozaik incorporates:
• The staff who have broad experience in works aimed at disadvantaged young people,
• Volunteers from various fields (education, social services, etc.) in the local area,
• ESC volunteers that have common interest and motivation to get involved in the strategic planning of Mozaik.
In line with our strategic planning, we also cooperate with NGOs, public institutions (municipalities, governorship, counselling and research centre, public education centre, etc.), educational institutions and private companies at local and regional levels in order to reach our organisational objectives in a better and more effective way increasing the visibility of our organisational mission and vision and ensure quality standards in the projects. Through developing/pursuing strong cooperation with the local stakeholder and innovative approaches in our projects, our long-term aim is to call the society’s attention to disadvantaged groups’ obstacles and problems and cooperate with decision makers in order to take preventive and permanent solutions.